Become a Member
This Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations and fund raising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from the fund raising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses.
Fundraising Goals
Hosting successful fundraisers is the key in funding our advertising, promotional items, board training and our 24/7 call center. We continue to strive to:
- Keep the public aware of our program
- Keep the media support on HIGH
- Implement new programs in conjunction with the Police Department
Our Sponsors
Marty’s Pizza And Grill
Village of Marion
Missuakee County Court House
Kurt Ball
Huntington Bank
Thirsty’s Elmrest Party Store
Rick & Becky Pearson
Chandra and Wally Wing
Lake Township
Reeder Township
Pioneer Township
LC Area Senior Citizens
City of Manton
Springfield Township, Kalkaska
Cherry Grove Township
Leroy Township
Middle Branch Township
Highland Township
City of Cadillac
Haring Township
Selma Township
Cadillac Community Foundation
Mitchell Investments
Missaukee Community Foundation