Silent Observer is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating safer communities by investigating anonymous tips received from the public. Every 4 to 5 tips received leads to an arrest. Silent has no paid staff, covers a three-county service area of just over 1,700 square miles and protects a population of approximately 100,000. Silent Observer’s annual budget is currently estimated at $9,500. Roughly 52% of the budget area expenses relates to communication technology. tip rewards 27% , educational supplies 10%, insurances 10% and miscellaneous 1%. Silent Observer depends on donations, grants, fundraisers and memberships. Grants are becoming much more difficult to secure. It is becoming much more imperative for Silent Observer to encourage public and private annual memberships. In closing, consider what Silent Observer offers: 7/24/365 day service availability, anonymous reporting format, a multi-county crime task force that receives all tips and work as a single unit, rewards offered for all tips that lead to arrests, educational handouts, community presentations and community program presence with road/business signage, circulating sign trailer, circulating Most Wanted sign trailer and special event trailer. Please help support law enforcement and Silent Observer. Donate or become a member today!